1/4 c olive oil, divided 2 # spinach
1 onion, small dice
1 c green onion
1T garlic, minced
1 can Spam, chopped
1 T dill
1 1/2 c feta cheese, crumbled 1/2 c Parmesan cheese
4 eggs, beaten
1 t salt
1 t black pepper
Filo dough
1 # butter, melted
Cooking instructions:
- Pre-heat oven to 350
- Add 2 t olive oil to a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add spinach and sauté till wilted, place in a colander to drain.
- Add remaining oil to the pan, add onions, garlic and spam and sauté for 10 minutes.
- Add green onion and sauté for 5 minutes. Let cool.
- Put the spinach in a bowl and add in onion/spam mix, dill, cheeses, salt and pepper. Taste to make sure seasoning is correct and adjust as needed.
- Add eggs and mix thoroughly. Set aside.
- Lay out one sheet of filo dough and brush with butter. Cover with another sheet. Repeat till you have 4 layers.
- Cut dough into strips, add 1 T filling and fold into triangles.
- Bake for 15 minutes.